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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2011 7:01am-7:31am EDT

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more of that human rights violations and even killings are committed by security firms on a regular basis to an extent set to undermine call the show forces counterinsurgency efforts they'll start firing at anything that moves they'll injure or kill innocent afghans and they'll destroy property we're getting fairly consistent complaints about them everybody knows somebody who's been shot by the contractors. the lack of accountability has forced the united nations working group on mercenaries to push for specific international measures to regulate their activities especially now as u.s. military forces withdraw from iraq and afghanistan the number of contractors is set to grow dramatically us. so many military and security functions to these security companies they are not regulated in that they are not control and this is what we have extremely concerned that what
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we have called in is for right relation at the national and at the international level so that. companies accountable but washington is reluctant to lead an international body regulate their activities saying it will find ways to hold contractors accountable but so far the u.s. justice system has largely failed to do so we're seeing around the world cases of kidnapping rape murder. and we see very very only very rare cases in which there's actually a criminal investigation or prosecution or sing out of. what experts say further privatization of war is convenient for the american government because among other reasons it doesn't have to justify the deaths of troops at home the president whoever the president may be can get us involved in conflicts only using uniform forces to do the official fighting and then thousands and thousands of
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contractors to do the unofficial fighting that's under the radar screen that isn't covered by the media now here is a quote we cannot win a fight for hearts and minds when we outsource critical missions took on accountable contractors and of quote that's what senator obama said before he became president but apparently as a president now he thinks differently with the contractors role in america's wars found to increase and with the victims of their crime still begging for justice i'm going to check our reporting from washington our team. all right now a five minutes past the hour here in the russian capital and coming up for you or not see differences on missile defense also feels washington ignoring its concerns and trying to quote place a bodyguard in its bedroom if you stay with us to find out what that means. and all the fifty eight years of formally being at war we report on white north and south korea still haven't signed a peace deal and who isn't benefiting from tensions along the thirty eighth
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parallel. noways police have released the first list of names of those killed by and as a behring breivik in friday's mass killings a lawyer says his client is probably insane and unaware he killed as many as seventy six people the gunman who has admitted his guilt claims he's not alone in a mission to turn back the tide of immigration in europe and his arteries lore and it has been finding out many warn of a new wave of pretty big stelter. and ethnic hatred that led to the slaughter of scores of innocent young people and does prevent the massacre to which he freely admits was a justified strike against the political left for supporting open borders and multiculturalism and even though the staunchest of hardliners condemned brave fix horrific actions anti immigration sentiment is growing across europe other groups all express their condolences and then are quick and separate themselves from are
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also quick to lay blame left wing politicians which they say are responsible because they allowed immigration happen and effectively pushed the sky to the edge it's a cry that many feel is not being heard by european governments as people show their discontent voting increasingly for previously marginal anti immigration parties and joining street movements like the anti islamic english defense league. of course it will have groups who are satisfied and we will have other groups who say that the governments are not doing enough they are not discussing the issues enough. in this going forward in the future i think there is no their attacks to go bring this topic into the center of the attention again and they will force. officials as well as public to focus on these issues again the move towards nationalism is pan-european as well as the b.n.p. making gains in the u.k.
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holland's controversial good builders now leads the country's third largest political party running on an anti islamic platform nationalists the true friends redrew the political landscape this year when they won nearly twenty percent of the vote the danish people's party has also embraced anti immigration policies successfully lobbying for denmark to close its previously open borders with germany and. there's grassroots support for prefix to disturbingly depicted on the internet by some extremists as a hero three thousand people voted for his video manifesto one you cheap and his group knights templar became a popular search topic on google i'm quite concerned that there are a lot of individuals. writing in his manifesto will resonate with.
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i'm very concerned you will see other people copycatting these types of attacks in the coming months or years politicians including germany's angela merkel and britain's david cameron have already said multiculturalism has failed now the leaders of western europe have to stop their disenfranchised cities becoming a breeding ground for far right. lit the fuse and the brave it claims to have been involved with the english defense league which led to protect england from what it calls the wave of. the e.t.l. denies that they political analysts are saying if the attacks in norway don't prompt an honest appraisal of the issues surrounding immigration that could further frustrate the european public and create more space for potentially violent far right groups to expanded all over europe. r.t. london. the i know here in moscow norwegian terrorism and its consequences are
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heart of the debate in the latest cross talk in which people of castes argue over the chances of a repeat of your trust of yourself. i don't believe that this sort of thing is going to happen again but under law in threat that you know if we're not listen to you're going to see more terrorist attacks i just think believe it's a load of rubbish we're not going to see this kind of thing happen in england we're not going to see it happening across europe and we all hope there are no more terrorism but it's very. very naive to think that this was a one off and it's not like it's a happened if you look at the right wing the anti islamic. rhetoric in europe it is far higher than the u.k. for sure we have countries in the u.k. countries in europe who are banning certain acts of islam so they've banned the minaret they've banned the wearing of all of these things are happening in the u.k. it's not that bad at the moment they go he says it's good to see it now we knew
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that impinge on people's human rights then what are you talking about a liberal democracy. and you watch other heated debate and cross talk or in twenty minutes time right here on alt. well russia has joined the e.u. and the us and the condemning cause of us decision to send a special forces to scenes crossings along the shared border with moscow says it threatens to destabilize the region nato led peacekeepers have been deployed to the area to help control the situation which is stoking ethnic tensions hundreds of people blocked main roads in response to a cause of our police seizing two disputed border crossings one police officer was killed in overnight clashes because of us as it's trying to enforce a ban on serbian imports in response to a similar boycott of cause of our goods around sixty thousand serbs live in the north and don't recognize cause of us independence which it unilaterally declared in two thousand and eight balkans expert knowledge about which says that the e.u.
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and nato made a mistake rather in recognizing how severe. the decision to introduce e. trade embargo and to send a special forces is this is direct slap in the face of the syrian government which has been nothing but cooperate you've been even capitulating in the ongoing negotiations which were set up by the e.u. is a matter of fact indicate that this action is completely either completely bypassed both the europeans and nato or has been executed with their complicity in cooperation and honestly i'm not really sure which is worse i d e u has made things even and imagine we were spared recognizing your regime that is i did has actually no interest in any sort of dialogue it came to power through violence it has conducted widespread ethnic cleansing of serbs another no no then in populations it has been rewarded for a. white spirit harlem of syrians in march two thousand and four and it has
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basically showed the willingness to behave in a civilized fashion up into including the corporation of independence and know this so honestly and your mission is there to facilitate their independence contrary to international why do you see the rules so obviously it is a message here so making and it is a mess that the europeans and nato basically made it need to fix. you without north korea's north diplomat is in the united states as part of attempts to restart negotiations on the country's disputed nuclear program is due to meet with american officials on thursday and said he remains optimistic that ties with the u.s. will improve the visit comes just days after nuclear and boys from north and south korea sucked down together for the first time in over two years on the sidelines of a security summit in indonesia they agreed to renew six party talks over pyongyang's atomic ambitions as soon as possible to go broke down after north korea's deadly shelling of an island belonging to the south and what it claimed was
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in response to provocative military drills the u.s. says north korea must dismantle its nuclear facilities before any deal can be reached. from the campaign and to end the korean war told us that the u.s. is interested in keeping up tensions on the peninsula. the u.s. military needs justification to maintain its troops in the northeast in short region so that it can pursue its real interest which is to contain china's expansion of power in the region and also to continue to sell its weapons systems and demonizing north korea as an axis of evil country conveniently provides that kind of justification the u.s. has been trying to strengthen its alliance with south korea and japan in increasing military exercises in the region building missiles that defense systems and extra good inexplicably linking south korean japan and weapon systems with it. but the reality is north korea does not provide a threat to south korea or the u.s. and the reality also is that the u.s.
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and south korea are facing an economic crisis where their tax dollars can be better spent on rebuilding their domestic economies than on provocative war games that have already cost us lives on the korean peninsula last year there is one thing that distinguishes north korea from other nuclear weapon states in the world and that is that it is the only country that has said that it's willing to give them up in exchange for a guarantee. the u.s. will not attack it and north korea has been very consistent it has said that everything is on the table as long as the u.s. distance here but it has to be a process of mutual disarmament you can't realistically expect north korea to simply give up its only deterrence capability unless the u.s. is also willing to take steps and an end to its provocative war games that simulate the collapse of the north korean regime is a good start. now an honest look at some other international news for you this hour the taliban has claimed responsibility for the killing of the mayor of afghanistan's kandahar city in a suicide bomb attack it's the latest in
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a string of assassinations targeting top afghan officials two weeks ago president hamid karzai is half brother who ran the entire kandahar province he was also gunned down and one of cars ice top aides was also killed by the taliban who are stepping up their assaults as nato combat troops begin to withdraw from afghanistan . egypt's official news agency says former president hosni mubarak is weak and refusing solid food hospital officials say he's suffering depression and weight loss caused by not eating enough barack is supposed to stand trial in a week accused of ordering the killing of protesters and corruption over eight hundred forty people died during the popular uprising which forced about from office back in february. but britain has officially recognized libya's rebels as the legitimate government and expelled all colonel gadhafi as diplomats it's also unfreezing one hundred fifty million dollars worth of libyan oil assets to help
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fund the rebels are going to cross live now to the u.k. to speak to mark almond a professor of modern history at oxford university. good to see you sir so that housecleaning going on at the embassy in london are kicking out some of the libyan different different parts there but let's talk about the broader picture here the opposition is a basically winning the war without winning any battles how can they represent a country they don't even control well this is a problem traditionally britain has recognized governments not on the basis of what we like them or what will they control the territory of the state colonel gadhafi may have lost control of parts of libya but clearly the rebels don't control it yet so this is a new precedent recapture of the english one the other problem is that the rebels are on the ground soon to stall even with the nato bombing raids and we remember when this started or months ago we would. sold it would be a matter of weeks rather than months and so i suspect really what we've paid the british foreign secretary is doing is really having a symbolic act to try to show that somehow or other we're still in charge of the
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situation in situation is increasingly unpredictable but now you talk about tripoli told the u.n. envoy recently there'll be no peace talks and till nato stops the airstrikes and yet the bombings continue how much is nato really want peace for libya what why what is the agenda you know i think although the official reason originally was of course to prevent colonel that our troops country massacring look romans in practice very quickly the u.s. as well as the british and french governments announce that they wanted regime change they wanted colonel gadhafi to go and i think they rather cavalierly thought that he would collapse very quickly it's turned out that his regime is more resilient it's turned out that the european nato power is very inadequate for it not all has canceled its our parents craft it's quite a promise so that we really went into this war was almost a abandon thinking counselor who would flee to venezuela as william hague already anymore is where the what you need i'm sorry to interrupt you talk about when that
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when the western forces and forces went into this war it was supposed to be a humanitarian mission now if i may just for a moment according to media reports gadhafi now controls are more territory than before nato started bombing does the alliance think that the libyan leader is going to surrender looks like he's taking fairly well at this point. well i think certainly is doing much better than than certainly any of the outside forces anticipated and the real problem or made here is this one less they have a lucky strike as they have tried several times i think you can protect her without injuring by bombing places where they thought he was the chances are that there will be a dramatic collapse of his regime that survived the first shock impact and so now the question is will the rebels have sufficient resources to push on through crowded months for hygiene or will their own divisions their own inadequacies. they're all training a little discipline we're angelou's shifting support back to colonel gadhafi where he lives inside and up again but you might you mention the issue of will the rebels
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how have resources the frozen oil assets of kid after being handed over to the rebels now i must ask you where is the money going is it just lining the pockets of the new transitional council so they can buy luxury yachts and big fancy cars or is it perhaps a way to bait them so that western west the west can have more of a presence in libya to have more of a control on its natural resources who are of course it's difficult to avoid the conclusion that the crisis now who is in certain great deal of how to oil and one of the problems has been that the rebels thought that very quickly they would get hold of the oil assets and capacity to turn all exports into money haven't been able to operate the oil fields at all they need money to maintain their forces because a they need money her social services such as well but also we need money lisa by support and i'm afraid one subterranean aspect of this conflict because each side pays for most of it's we had a lot about colonel gadhafi paying his supporters we were overlooked how are the rebels fight in return for cash and of course who isn't hash low they don't fight
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and this is one of the reasons why colonel that are these forces who are better motivated maybe better paid have actually been able to resist rather more effectively than paris and london expected now this is a guess that britain's our foreign minister said that good athlete could actually stayed in libya if he stepped down it seems a bit of a change of heart it does nato have any idea what it's doing or how this will end it just seems like it's in one enormous mess it is a big mess because after all britain and france along with ourselves pressed for common good are between deitrick going through international criminal court to the hague therefore they shouldn't really be in a position to decide what his fate is in the series this international trying to one side now and. saying it's not up to hide who rules libya i think you can look back. statements in the last few months who have a very strong impression that they had a good idea who should be reviewed and also what the fate of doctors should be so
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in practice this symbolic decision to recognize the rebels kick out gadhafi is diplomats from london mosques on a good deed barrus and indeed a strategic crisis for the nato countries led by britain france not our men from oxford university many things thank you. while religious leaders from post soviet nations are uniting in ukraine to celebrate the christianization of ancient russia georgia as a patriarch ilia is on his first official visit to kiev he's due to meet with his russian counterpart to discuss the strained relations between the two states who cut off diplomat divided ties and more than five years ago. as a. the head of the russian orthodox church bought out of the real has a right to the ukrainian capital kiev to take part in the celebrations along with his counterpart from georgia and the head of the russian orthodox church in ukraine . it's been exactly one thousand and twenty three years since this part of the world adopted orthodox christianity now when sharkey real arrived at the solemn
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liturgy in front of the. monument in kiev the central monument dedicated to the baptism to the adoption of christianity in this part of the world he was greeted by tens of thousands of people who were chanting that our part is real well clearly this shows that the the attitude towards the russian in ukraine is still very warm and he is being greeted here with much respect lately kiev has been named as one of the single capitals of the russian orthodox church along with mosco and st petersburg it is interesting because of course capital of a sovereign state of ukraine and this means that the russian orthodox church goes beyond the borders to unite the clergy in the post soviet space it is a large scale celebration which is being held in the capitals of ukraine belarus and russia kiev minsk and moscow when their stand that the celebration events will
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be happening within the next couple of days with concerts large concerts culminating the festivities in the three capitals. reporting to business news time with mary. hello and welcome to business here on r.t. now we start this hour with russia's leading goal to do sir paul is gold which has been taken over by its london based subsidiary gold a new company under the name of paul is called international has started trading on the london stock exchange on wednesday and joined in the out of the scots the issue isn't all seeing a trader at the capital mr la guardia thank you very much for joining us now can you tell us this is seem like an unusual way to get a london listen for paul is gold. well these kind of deals seem to be few and far between and you use fairly unconventional typically when we're in
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a company at least in any markets you'll go to investment bank and they'll underwrite the stock and it will flow in that manner but this is a reverse. because i gold which is a limited company has gone in courthouses paris which is fairly unusual and it looks like you want to continue doing that as a process to expand going forward so no commercial but it does happen once in a while. you tell us what could be some of the drawbacks of this kind of reverse takeover are there any. well the typically are and one of the main drawbacks is share shareholder value it's likely that this kind of reverse takeover can dampen shareholder value in the in the near term and shareholder performance as well and having looked at the recent performance of. gold there has been the performing its rivals fairly considerably despite the price of gold increasing on the up side and
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you tend to find smaller companies or certainly private companies buying out of big companies the c.e.o.'s of private companies tend not to be experience dealing with public companies but in this case you've got the c.e.o. of all the former c.e.o. told bob you can take you know the entire merger so it's not really a factor here he's fairly well experienced in the in the gold industry so there are there are some pros and cons of all. they mention the recent performance off poly is called how do you rate the prospects for the company now well i think they're going to be fairly fairly subdued given that gold is looking at bigger and better mergers is looking to become a major player within the industry and that could be another reverse takeover and therefore the share price is likely to be subdued for a considerable period of time while the space goes ahead fortunately with the growth of these sort of transactions that tends to be
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a lot of cash in gold from the buying company and that that could significantly impact on the balance sheet and ultimately affect the share price and one of the biggest shareholders in paul is called has been talking about a merger with a global rival who do you think that could be. well without trying to start any sort of a take over room is there are a number of companies that could be. appealing for paul your skull to take over now it's interesting that the former c.e.o. of general scold has joined the company in kinross gold could be a potential target if gold are to become enter into the top three of the industry then you've also got other smaller players within the industry such as yeah you know gold and the chance of gold i don't think they'll be looking for any of the bigger players such as newmont mining or barrick gold but i wouldn't rule anything out at the moment and one final question if you can just tell us briefly is buying gold stocks right now a good way to cash in on the rally in physical gold prices it's certainly
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a way to cash in on the rallying in gold the price of gold stocks don't really move in momentum with old move in tandem with a rising gold price and probably the best way is to buy are the gold bullion or the gold gold companies can on the perform well over perform. at the price of gold so it's not the perfect correlation. but also log waltzing your trader at eighty x. capital thank you very much for your insight. and that's all the business is where time for the sour cream will have the next update for you in about fifteen minutes from now in the meantime satan for the headlines from henri.
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motion would be so much brighter if you knew about some move from fans to pressure in some. stunts on t.v. don't come.
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about here without a lot from moscow where it's now a half past the hour a quick recap of the story the guns for hire company accused of killing seventeen innocent iraqis goes on trial in the u.s. but only on ice. over blackwater now known as the z. allegedly charging too much for protecting u.s. officials in war zones. no way releases the names of victims from friday's attack and experts warn the spread of islamic sentiment in europe could lead to more
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atrocity. nato led peacekeepers are deployed along and northern border with a calm escalating ethnic tensions over attempts to enforce a trade embargo the e.u. and the u.s. led international condemnation of the action that resulted in one police officer being killed. cross-talk is coming up next year and of course in the wake of norway's mass murder people of well now in his guests discuss the likelihood of such atrocities ever being repaid repeated elsewhere do stay with us or not. wealthy british style. markets. scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two cars
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a report on r.t. . if you. follow me welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle the color of terrorism as norway comes to terms with its most horrific attack on its soil since the second world war a plethora of questions demand answers how could this assault be planned and executed under the radar of the authorities and as the west focused too much on islamic groups instead of homegrown extremists and terrorists. and. to cross talk the rise of far right nationalism i'm joined by my guests in london he is chair of the muslim safety forum and stephen gaseous.


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